Nergy Meets SWAYAM Plus

Nergy Meets SWAYAM Plus In a groundbreaking development for Indian commerce education, Nergy and SWAYAM Plus have joined forces to bring a dynamic and innovative

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Nergy at DIDAC 2024

A Celebration of Innovation  There are moments when innovation intersects with vision,


The most complete news about  Nergy


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Cross-Skilling Leads to Independence 

Cross-Skilling Leads to Independence  Imagine climbing Mount Everest at 80 or getting a college degree at 95! Yuichiro Miura proved passion has no age limit

Nergy at DIDAC 2024

A Celebration of Innovation  There are moments when innovation intersects

With a focus on pioneering tech solutions that drive skills, efficiency, and sustainability, we invite you to be with us in shaping the future of commerce on a global scale.